As a post-industrial city, Glasgow has a glut of derelict land. Over recent years the city has witnessed a growth in community gardens. These places and the groups that maintain them are playing a significant role in re-shaping both the city’s landscape and its relationship with food and community.
Blair Cunningham has documented this grass-roots regeneration across the city, his artist book represents a glimpse of another Glasgow, one that generates new forms of value in places and people beyond neoliberalism.
This artwork is derived from a larger body of research by Dr John Crossan, Profs Andrew Cumbers, Robert McMaster and Deirdre Shaw at the University of Glasgow, which considers community gardening as an example of a more caring city.
The work is published by Aye-Aye Books. A launch was held at the CCA on 30 November 2015. Read more about the launch on the Source website.