Growing Resources

Cultivation Instructions and Information Sheets from the Global Bean Project

How to make protective structures for keeping bean seedlings warm in spring:

How to make a bean teepee:

How to make an A frame for beans:

Seed Saving Guide:

Landrace gardening free course:

Real seeds seed saving information:

Charles Dowding on YouTube (general growing in a northern climate):

General Information

Pulses: nutritious seeds for a sustainable future from the Food and Agriculture Organisation

Five things to know about pulses from the Sustainable Food Trust

Bean Campaigns

Beans is How – including toolkits for schools and kitchen staff, and a theory of change on how we get more people eating beans in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Anything is Pulse-able from Eating Better includes environmental and health information about pulses as well as tasty recipes

BeanMeals: Systemic innovation from fork-to-farm from the Environmental Change Institute. Research on UK grown bean varieties and using these in home-cooking and institutional catering.


Global Gardens Festival of Peas (and Pulses) Zine from the Global Gardens Project

Beanspo Recipes from Bold Bean Co