In September 2023, 150 delegates joined us in Glasgow’s City Chambers to learn more about the progress Glasgow is making towards a fairer, healthier and more sustainable food system through the Glasgow City Food Plan, and to discuss priorities for action in the coming years. Since then, the comments and feedback from participants have been reviewed by the Food Plan project team, some more community consultation has taken place, and several of the themed working groups have agreed their areas for focus for the immediate future.

The actions may evolve as the work of each working group progresses, and each working group will be at varying stages of meeting these actions dependent on a range of factors.

The priorities for the Glasgow City Food Plan in each working area for this time include:

Fair Food For All Partnership 

(originally Food Poverty – Fair Food For All)

  • Improve understanding of patterning of food insecurity and support. 
  • Deliver Cash First project in partnership. 
  • Enhance and sustain food interventions/services that are addressing improved access to affordable, nutritious food locally. 
  • Develop an accessibility guide to help community food/advice services. 

Community Food Working Group 

  • Provide resources, support and services to community food organisations. 
  • Support the delivery of the Glasgow Food Growing Strategy. 
  • Increase community participation in planning for community food spaces, activities and ventures.  
  • Increase resilience of the community food sector. 

Food Economy Working Group 

  • Work with further education providers to improve/integrate [food] sustainability education in order to improve employability prospects for the future workforce. 
  • Increase the provision for easily accessible farmers and neighbourhood markets/shops/pantries in all areas of the city prioritising socially and environmentally conscious (local/organic) producers. 
  • Continue to encourage, support and work with more local food businesses to adopt sustainability principles (including the real living wage, circular economy, reduced waste, nature friendly and nutritious food provision) through strengthening and growing the existing work (Glasgow Sustainable Food Directory, Circular Glasgow campaigns and other initiatives). 
  • Promote and advocate for local food businesses including producers, suppliers and retailers to the general public and our networks and through our communications and campaigns (including Good Food for Glasgow). 

Catering and Procurement Working Group 

  • Maintain Bronze Food for Life Served Here accreditation for school meals. 
  • Increase locally sourced, sustainable food in public sector catering. 
  • Develop community benefits methodology and community wealth building principles in public sector food contacts. 
  • Increase communication and opportunities for food SMEs and social enterprises to engage in public sector procurement. 

Food Waste Reduction Working Group

(originally part of the Food and the Environment working group)   

  • Deliver and support campaigns to encourage reductions in household and community food waste.  
  • Deliver and support campaigns to encourage reductions in commercial and public sector food waste (at production and consumption stages).  
  • Strengthen action to increase volume of food surplus that is distributed.  
  • Support the implementation of the Glasgow Plastic Reduction Strategy in order to reduce the volume of single use packaging used for food.  

Urban Agriculture Working Group 

(originally part of the Food and the Environment working group)   

  • Increase land used for commercial/market scale food growing.  
  • Increase training opportunities and economic support for local food growing. 
  • Increase access/routes to markets for locally produced food (Glasgow and Scotland) 
  • Increase the use of more nature friendly techniques (including organic growing) in food production. 

Children and Young People Working Group 

  • Promote and improve uptake of school meals in schools across Glasgow. 
  • Establish and support more good food groups in schools across Glasgow and improve opportunities for them to support learning about the food system. 
  • Promote and encourage use of Your Body Matters in schools across Glasgow and undertake and incorporate learning from evaluation of the resource. 
  • Increase engagement by families in programmes to improve nutritional health – Thrive Under 5, Weigh to Go, etc.  Review and evaluate the approaches.  
  • Support breastfeeding through increased rollout of the Breastfeeding Friendly Scotland (BFS) scheme to businesses and BFS Early Learning scheme to Early Years providers. 

Communications Working Group 

  • Offer guidance and expertise on Glasgow City Food Plan and GFPP communications and campaign activity. 
  • Help create internal and external links to effectively circulate messages. 
  • Collectively create a GCFP/GFPP annual communications strategy. 
  • Identify gaps and opportunities and any further work required to improve communications about food related work/developments in Glasgow. 
  • Identify collaborations and organisations who have skills and expertise to fill gaps identified, and where possible support and enable this work to take place. 
  • Share best practice between organisations. 

Food Plan Project Management Group 

  • Manage and coordinate the ongoing development and delivery  
  • Align and integrate the food plan with other relevant policies, strategies and committees 
  • Contribute to the Scottish and UK Sustainable Food Places Networks.  
  • Provide a knowledge exchange function by working with academics and colleagues 
  • Develop and provide opportunities for public participation 
  • Report annually on the progress of the Glasgow City Food Plan.