(originally Food Poverty – Fair Food For All)

Leads: Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership and Glasgow SW Foodbank

Members: Alexandra Rose; Calvay Housing Association; Castlemilk Law Centre; CED; Central and West Integration Network; East Dunbartonshire Foodbank; Empower Women for Change; Feeding Britain; GEMAP; Glasgow Centre for Population Health; Glasgow City Council; Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership; Glasgow Community Food Network; Glasgow Council for the Voluntary Sector; Glasgow NE Foodbank; Glasgow NW Foodbank; Glasgow SW Foodbank; Govan Community Project; Independent Food Aid Network; Interfaith Glasgow; Money Matters; NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde; One Parent Families Scotland; Refugee Sanctuary Scotland; Scottish Pantry Network; Scottish Refugee Council; The Pantry Parkhead; Trussell.


  • Improve understanding of patterning of food insecurity and support. 
  • Deliver Cash First project in partnership. 
  • Enhance and sustain food interventions/services that are addressing improved access to affordable, nutritious food locally. 
  • Develop an accessibility guide to help community food/advice services. 

You can read more about the current Cash First work being undertaken by the Fair Food For All Partnership on the Glasgow Centre for Population Health website here.

Meeting Minutes

27th August 2024 Meeting Minutes