(originally Food Poverty – Fair Food For All)

Leads: Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership and Glasgow SW Foodbank

Members: Alexandra Rose; Calvay Housing Association; Castlemilk Law Centre; CED; Central and West Integration Network; East Dunbartonshire Foodbank; Empower Women for Change; Feeding Britain; GEMAP; Glasgow Centre for Population Health; Glasgow City Council; Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership; Glasgow Community Food Network; Glasgow Council for the Voluntary Sector; Glasgow NE Foodbank; Glasgow NW Foodbank; Glasgow SW Foodbank; Govan Community Project; Independent Food Aid Network; Interfaith Glasgow; Money Matters; NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde; One Parent Families Scotland; Refugee Sanctuary Scotland; Scottish Pantry Network; Scottish Refugee Council; The Pantry Parkhead; Trussell.


  • Improve understanding of patterning of food insecurity and support. 
  • Deliver Cash First project in partnership. 
  • Enhance and sustain food interventions/services that are addressing improved access to affordable, nutritious food locally. 
  • Develop an accessibility guide to help community food/advice services. 

You can read more about the current Cash First work being undertaken by the Fair Food For All Partnership on the Glasgow Centre for Population Health website here.