Temporary lead: Glasgow Community Food Network

The Community Food Working Group will start meeting again in Autumn 2024 after which the notes from the meeting will be available from this page

Members: Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow; Central West Intergration Network; Cranhill Development Trust; Fareshare; Glasgow Allotment Forum; Glasgow City Council, Food Growing Team; Glasgow City Health & Social Care Partnership; Glasgow Community Food Network, Food and Climate Action; NHSGGC Health Improvement; North Glasgow Community Food Initiative; Nourish Scotland; Propagate; Urban Roots; Woodlands Community Garden.


  • Provide resources, support and services to community food organisations. 
  • Support the delivery of the Glasgow Food Growing Strategy. 
  • Increase community participation in planning for community food spaces, activities and ventures.  
  • Increase resilience of the community food sector. 

Glasgow City Council also have a Food Growing Strategy, which includes community food growing. Yearly updates for the strategy are provided to the Environment and Liveable Neighbourhoods Committee. You can read the updates from 2021-2024 at the following links – 2021; 2022; 2023; 2024.